1. Ngengpui Wildlife Sanctuary:
The Ngengpui Wildlife Sanctuary in Mizoram is spread over an area of 110 sq km, near the Indo-Bangladesh border. Close to Indo-Myanmar and Indo-Bangladesh border, the Ngengpui Wildlife Sanctuary ranges in altitude from 200 m to about 1200 m above sea level. Virgin sub-tropical evergreen / semi-evergreen forests are found in the Ngengpui Wildlife Sanctuary Mizoram. The sanctuary is surrounded by seven villages. It is managed by Range Officer with headquarter Ngengpui, and 5 Beat Officers under the control of DFO Chhimtuipui Forest Division.
2. Phawngpui Tlang:
Phawngpui (also known as Blue Mountain) is the highest peak in Mizoram. There is a semi-circular series of cliffs on the western side called Thlazuang Khàm, which have a sharp and deep fall, and serve as the natural home of mountain goats. These cliffs are believed to be haunted by spirits. On the peak, there is a level ground of about 2 km2 in area. Since 1992 the mountain has been included in the protected area of the Phawngpui National Park, one of only two national parks of India in Mizoram. The Government of Mizoram allows ecofriendly visit to the mountain only during November to April.
The area is encircled by matted bamboo groves and other alluring vegetation. There are varieties of butterflies, including some rare species found in this region. The Farpak area in Phawngpui is a huge grassland adjacent to a cliff area where one can sight birds like peregrine falcon, Blyth’s tragopan, sunbirds, grey sibia, golden-throated barbet, Mrs. Hume’s pheasant, hornbill, dark-rumped swift, mountain bamboo partridge, black eagle and other birds.The very rare clouded leopard has been recorded in the Farpak area since 1992. There have been instances of wild orchids being stolen from Phawngpui, efforts are being taken to protect and conserve it.
3. Beino/Bawinu/Boinu/Lungmak/Meilawng/Sapho/Saphaw:
The marvelous Castle of Beino/Bawinu/Boinu/Lungmak/Meilawng/Sapho/Saphaw located near Hruitezawl, Lawngtlai District which is in southern part of Mizoram, India .